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Self-Myofascial Release

What is self myofascial release (SMR)?

Self myofascial release is a simple technique used by many - from improved flexibility, muscle recovery, movement efficiency, inhibiting overactive muscles, and pain reduction, SMR focuses on releasing trigger points which often cause discomfort or pain. Using a foam roller & holding the technique for the appropriate amount of time, sensory receptors (muscle spindles) are inhibited in a process called "autogenic inhibition". By "turning off" the neural impulses to the muscle, this allows the muscle fibers opportunity to stretch & realign.

Benefits to SMR:

  • Improved joint range of motion

  • Improved neuromuscular efficiency

  • Muscle relaxation

  • Reduced soreness & improved tissue recovery

  • Decrease overall effects of stress on the human movement system

By incorporating SMR on overactive muscles, you can improve your performance by decreasing all of those negative effects! Be sure to do this before static & dynamic stretches for increased tissue lengthening.

How to:

Using a foam roller, begin by slowly rolling the targeted muscle. Once you come upon the most sensitive area, hold the spot while relaxing the targeted area for 30-90 seconds. Be sure to maintain core stability by pulling navel toward spine.

If you have medical issues including but not limited to kidney failure, congestive heart failure, or bleeding disorders, it is best to avoid this technique.

Foam rollers for SMR:

A great addition for your fitness collection - foam rollers come in many different sizes, and cater to your pressure preference. medicine balls can also double as a roller, and offer a great weighted/double-use item for your home gym! Check these out:

For fitness training, nutrition coaching, techniques, and how to perform SMR on muscles - feel free to schedule a virtual appointment with me! Fill out the form on the Elkhornfit page, visit the services page, or book online to schedule your appointment.

No matter your goals, age, weight, ability - I am always here to help support your wellness. I hope to meet with you in the future, and be a witness to your wellness success!


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